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Authentic Wildflower Seeds.  Provenance: 100% Native Irish. 
Entirely indigenous Irish Sourced and Grown.
Free Fast Delivery with AnPost  

2025 update: As our new website is 'in' the design and build stage. We had a look back over 28 years online and found our 1990 price for cheapest seed per kilo was the same as it is today. see wayback machine internet archive.

BUY DIRECT; Open to Trade and Public alike, from Gardeners to Landscape Architects, EVERYONE uses the free quote form.

Free Quote All customers should fill out the Quote form to make contact. 
We need measurements and some site details to enable a quote. The quote is the starting point of our guarantee process, 

Products and Price List Opens our Product code links/spec sheets, All prices, net of 13.5% vat

We offer: The very best advice and Quality Seeds. plus 3 year Guarantee. 
We supply seed, crops and advise to 'Germinal', 'SeedTech' and 'Connecting to Nature' and all other re-sellers selling our Irish native wildflowers. Everyone else selling native flora is selling imported flora, Our customers conserve Ireland's wildflowers by saving species and many insects from certain extinction.. We also grow and conserve rare species which we post free to professional gardeners, a program called 'Imithe'

Phone Hours: 10 am to 12 noon, Mon-Friday, Visits by appointment only.

2025 Workshops: 'Working with Seeds' Farm Crops and Seed house opens days.

Spend a summer day with us, in our Crops and then a November day with our seeds, Post-harvest Drying, Processing and Storage, book both now get a special offer.

June 25th and November 5th - €150net.  for both days plus vat, for 1 x single day €100plus vat 

July 2nd and November 12th €200net  for both days plus vat, for 1 x single day €125plus vat 

NEW!  Award Winning Best New Horticulture Product 2023 as voted by Glás/ Bord Bia & entire Hort-trade. 
Sowing wildflowers without using herbicides? New Product 2024. RogueOutLaw'n. If sowing into a lawn without weedkiller the alternative is to use RogueOutLaw'n  Just chuck and grow, it smothers the grass, then becomes a meadow! Each mixture and the advice is bespoke to your site. Just ask.. It's a new product, so were not giving our secret away.

First Point of Contact: Free Quote Form Free Fast Delivery with AnPost  

Wildflower Seed Producer: Established 1987, Trading since 1990, Email is best. Sales Ph:056 4442526. 
T/a Design By Nature  Seed House, Monavea, Carlow. (Co Laois) 

Phone Hours: 10 am to 12 noon, Mon-Friday, Visit by appointment only.

Tried & Tested: DAFM - Dept' of Agriculture - Registered No: IECS-44, Native Species Seed House 
Native Sourced Irish Wildflower Seed Grower, Harvester,  Supplier, Processor, Mixer and Packer.

For Trade and Public: Products and Price List each product code has a link to a species list and full growing details, please print as the spec's change each year.. 

Trade description: We grow the largest National Irish Wildflower Seed Collection, it's a Living Gene-bank. We store this nation's largest Wildflower Seed Collection its way bigger than the Botanic gardens stored seed gene-bank.  We are the real Irish wildflower specialists. we produce 180 species of wildflowers. We provide the seeds for 'ALL' native Irish wildflowers sold in Ireland. We offer, by far the BEST VALUE, with a three year guarantee and at the same time, your purchase helps us to save species, 

Products and Price List includes product spec's

Growing Advice all about how to

Management after sowing solutions

All about us our work and cv, About Species We grow a National Wildflower Seed Collection.

First Point of Contact: Free Quote Form

We guarantee all seeds, if you control the weeds, We supply a seed cert and instructions with all packs and a 3 year guarantee, with support". 

Many of our species are first harvested by hand. Some crops we can take with combine harvesters, brush harvesters and our own bespoke methods. Then the seed-head, chaff and  seed is gathered,  bundled, transported, to our seed house, where its checked, dried, sorted, straw is removed, chaff is removed, After winnowing and sieving it's then  stored, to be mixed and packed, all in Ireland, for Irish growers.

Wildflowers are older than the oldest antiques,  Brighter than the newest novelty

Free Quote Contact: Mr Sandro Cafolla t/a Design By Nature -  (that's me :) Irish national, Dublin Born, 

100% Irish Owned, First for Nature:  Ireland's first native seed producer. Established 1990, based in Carlow and Laois. (Our first publication 1987 was about Saving wildflowers)

  Great Irish Horticulture IECS-44 - Native Sourced Irish Wildflower Seed Grower, Harvester, Supplier, Processor, Mixer and Packer Vat No : IE 3656298P | Business Reg: 109182

The Clear Market Leader: Established 1987, We farm grow wild sourced native flora. In 1990 we established the National Irish Wildflower Seed Collection, By 2022, 30,000+ Irish customers. Eight Employees, 10 Farmers, Our very low input system produces from 3 to 5 tons of production from about 500 acres.

The First Point of Contact: Free Quote Form-Repeat orders?, Sales tracking?, Prices?, Amounts?, Get  Advice + 3 Year Guarantee & Support

Handing On Our Heritage. Since 1990, we supplied over 4000 H.a of Native wild flora to our wonderful customers. That's 60 tons of wildflower seed, about 75 Billion large seeds and 180 trillion small seeds.

Wildflower seed mixtures are beautiful, educational, inspirational, great for wildlife and amazing to 'Bee' around. Wild flower meadow mixtures are far less work than lawns, Meadows save you lots of money and time.

Contact us and 'GET A QUOTEor Email.  If you send an email, please put our email address in your friends list, so our response does not go into your trash or spam.

United Nations Decade on ecosystem-restoration 2021-2030 this link opens a PDF download from EU Scientific proof that wildflowers protect nature

Our Groundbreaking advice and Product Success is world famous.  We are the world first business to established to protect nature. Today we are teaching the Irish and European seed industry about the importance of wildflowers and how to grow crops and keep them wild.

Cv: Representing Ireland Inc for Bord Bia. Brand Image.   Irish first advisor on Biodiversity to our Government.  Training Teagasc, the Farmer and the Irish Seed Industry. Saving Species growing Ecologies. Free advice & successful meadows to over 60,000 Irish Gardeners, thousands of farmers, schools and tidy-towns.

Recent Customers incl: Most Co Councils, OPW, NPWS, Coillte, MSD, BnMona, Musgraves, Keelings, Intel, HSA, Most recent Infrastructure project : N59 Road and Sligo By Pass, We supply advice and seeds for roadways plantings, land-caps, Solar and wind-farms, extraction industries,  Biodiversity for Social responsibility in Food, Pharma and IT sectors.

Saving nature, re-wilding Ireland Helping you sow and grow your Irish Garden

If you don't wish to buy direct, Our re-sellers are and more, 
Always ask for Irish native 'provenance' as many seed sellers import 'native' !!! wildflowers and sell them alongside our native Irish seed

Site Summary: Free Post Mail Order, ÁnPost Delivery 

Delivered FREE with Barcode 'Track and Traceable'. We sell seed mixtures of wild sourced hand picked quality perennials, then grown across Ireland on Irish Farms. Totally Irish Provenance Certified Seed. Tested by DAFM in Ireland and EU Legal.

Handing On Our Heritage We are the FIRST and ONLY Irish Producer and Grower of a wide range of Irish Native provenance wild and farm grown Flora.

We guarantee all seeds, if you control the weeds We supply a seed cert and instructions with all packs and a 3 year guarantee, with support". 

Wildflower seed mixtures are beautiful, educational, inspirational, great for wildlife and amazing to 'Bee' around. 

Wild flower meadow mixtures are far less work than lawns, Meadows save you lots of money and time.

  Great Irish Horticulture 

Measurement guide: hectare ha, 10,000 m2 or 2.471 acres
One international acre is defined as 4046 square metres. 

One old' acre equals about 4425 imperial 

(0.405 hectares) | 4,840 sq yards, | 43,560 sq feet 

Your purchases helps keep us as the leading independent, non funded, Direct Action, plant species based conservation organized business in Ireland. Unlike all others we always have been a 'Socially orientated micro SME' who has always spoken first for nature, we directly 'act' to save species, we are not funded.

Due to thousands of customers, and that we are Ireland's longest lasting social business, we use all profits in protecting biodiversity and saving species. We pay some of the highest horticulture wages in Ireland because our team is highly skilled-multi-disciplinary and very 'Lean'..

Your support funds or conservation.

Our seed is all produced as HVNF, some SAC, more natural farming, a touch of organic symbol farms and a few conventional low input farms.In some crops we use small amounts of herbicides in most crops, no inputs at all.

We have a positive Carbon footprint its -net Zero. We sequester 107,359 tons of Carbon per year, We consume 34,600 tons of Carbon per year, Not including our trees and shelter belts.   

  Great Irish Horticulture 

(Dept' Agriculture) :Registered Native Sourced Irish Wildflower Seed Grower, Harvester, Supplier, Processor, Mixer and Packer DAFM Registered No: IECS-44, Vat No : IE 3656298P | Business Reg: 109182

Exact Standards: IECS-44-EC rules & standards  EU-TTC=IRE-SEE-N-17-19 DBN-ConservationGrade DBN-NativeProvenance

(Our standard supercedes all other Industrial standards as recognised by EU, F.A.O. and U.N) There are no better Genetically pure more Authentic purer quality first generation Native provenance Irish sourced, Irish farm grown, processed in Ireland Wild Native seeds of The Flora of The Islands of Western Europe.  

Products and Price List includes product spec's

Growing Advice all about how to

Management after sowing solutions

Free Quote