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Page 7aWhen to Cut 

Wildflower Growers Manual

Long-term Meadow Maintenance

By the third year the meadow will settle down, not require much maintenance. The general rule is to cut a meadow and remove cuttings once in late July or in the autumn. 

In non grass meadows cut foliage to 3"- 4" height . 

All meadows

Any meadow can be mown or topped between October and April during mild winters if growth exceeds 25cm. 

Spring meadows

To encourage spring flowering species cut spring meadows and all low growing areas once in spring, no later than 15th April and again when they have finished flowering after 21st June. Remove all cuttings & rake.

Summer meadows

Cut a summer meadow before 21st May at the very latest and again when the meadow has finished flowering after 21st August again at the latest. 


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Late summer meadows

Cut late summer meadows and tall growing meadows up to July 1st and cut back flowers after October 21st or leave it until early springtime the following year.
Always remove 'cut' materials.
Most wildflowers will die if grass cuttings are not removed. The only exception is where special species are used on certain sites such as steep slopes, use MM11.