Native Origin Irish Wildflower Seed Mixtures: Ecotype Range 

Product Code:  EC10 
Product Name: 
Bio-engineering Bespoke Mixture

This is a designed mixture for customers who have specific tasks for flora, such as Flood-relief, wind farm, pipeline, erosion control, requirements 
EC10 features species which can tolerate new 'raw' unimproved soils or rich tops soil in full sun or light shade, it contains many plants that are deep-rooted.
EC10 will improve and enrich raw soil, take the bare look of any situation, and tolerate the many changing temperatures of a typical Irish Summer. If wet, included are species that will flourish even in standing water. If bone dry, never mind, there is a bunch of species to cope.

Even better, This mixture is a soil improver and will suppress grass, conserve moisture and protect the roots of newly planted trees and shrubs through the actions of 'shade creating' species such as Cow Parsley and Burdock and Wild Angelica. 

Species List: EC10, = bespoke solutions, species determined by project specifications..

Product Warning: While this mixture contains the seed of edible and herbal species, DBN recommend that this mixture is not for human or animal consumption.


Seed Mixture Specifications: 
Origin: Native Irish Origin, Wildflower Seed Mixture. 
Moisture Level: Dry, Normal, Moist.
pH range: Best between 5.5 >7.5
Aspect: Sunny, light shade and not deeply shaded.
Life Cycle: Annual / Biennial / Perennial. 
Height Range: <30cm to >200cm 
Flowering Period:  March to May, June to August.
Fertility Range: Will grow in very fertile soil to poor.
Wintergreen: Yes 

Sowing Specification: As Normal, roll or rake into surface to keep out of reach from birds. 

Soil Preparation: Normal, create fine tilt on seed bed, if clay, ensure a fine tilt or press the seed into clean soil.
Optimum Sowing Time: Late spring, early autumn, when the soil is warm.

Sowing Conditions: Normal, if on new clay or sticky soil a little extra soil improvement will assist establishment
Sowing Method: By hand is recommended, if using seed spreaders be careful to insure the small varieties of seed do not drop to the bottom of the seed spreader and get sown all in the one place. Can be Hydrasown. 
Fertiliser: A slow release low nitrogen mild dressing will assist germination.  If very poor fertility such as subsoil apply proprietary brand two weeks before sowing. Powdered or liquid seaweed will aid germination. 


Seed Sowing Rates:
Normal sowing rate 'without added grass seed':1.5 gram per metre.
High sowing rate 'with added grass seed':  3 grams per metre.
Low sowing rate: None 


Grass seed or nurse crop requirement:

Nurse Crop: No nurse crop is required. 
Grass Seed Requirement: n/a, use Bent and Fescue species
Sow with or without grasses: Either 
Where erosion may occur. Sow grass to assist. 

If sown without grasses: This mixture MAY not require a nurse crop. please ask

Seed Specification:  
Total number of seeds per gram:1958
In normal conditions (mainly in early Autumn and Spring) this mix should germinate 6 weeks after sowing, from then on provided the sward is kept open and a 'Thatch' is not allowed develop, species will continue to germinate and emerge, through to the third year.
Up to 80% of all seed should germinate in the first year.
Up to 95% of all species should germinate in 24 months. 
Up to 95% of all species should have flowered by the fourth year after sowing.


Persistence if unmanaged: Medium / High 
Tolerance of Cutting: Medium / High after second year. 
General Cutting Time: Do not cut in first year until flowers have finished, from then on cut May, June or at the end of summer.
Specific Cutting Time: From second year, either in May or June, but must be cut once per year if Autumn. A strimmer will be ideal. Rake and remove the cuttings

Management: seek specific instructions


A General Description of Ecotype Range: 
Ecotype seed mixtures are designed to imitate natural ecologies found in specific situations. Mixture EC10 contains species which grow on the byways of Ireland especially in the North East, East and South, or in more fertile sheltered situations in the West
The EC range is not intended as an exact copies of an Irish ecosystem but to represent floras that would otherwise take hundreds of years to develop if 'nature' was left unaided. 

This range of seed mixture is ideal for those concerned with encouraging wildlife and local biodiversity as the plants will attract species suited to the ecology. 
If these mixtures are suitable for your situation, they offer good value, contain some of the most exacting and unusual species and if given time, develop into a diverse flora that will persist if properly maintained.