Design By Nature - - Irish Wildflowers     

Species Datapage No 19   

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Species Common Name: Meadowsweet
Species Botanical Name: Filipendula ulmaria
A tall scented slow to grow from seed but vigorous flowering perennial of moist and wet soils.  Ideally suited to Irelands conditions and one of the best meadow flowers, being cut' able to keep short and requires no work
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Management: Always cut every other wildflower species in a Meadowsweet meadow every year, but Meadowsweet does not need cutting for up to 5 years. so here is my advice, encourage it to the wettest part and leave it alone except to pick flowers for wine and the vase.
Tolerance of cutting:  High
Cutting time:  Autumn.
Edible / Medicinal: Edible, Medicinal, 
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Life Cycle (Form): Perennial

Flower Height: 60 to 180 cm

Foliage Height: 25 - 70 cm

Flower Colour: Cream white

Flowering period: June, July, 

Time to Flower: 24 months

Soil Type: Will grow in most peaty or wet soil. Best rich Clay.

pH Type: Acid, Neutral, Alkaline.

Moisture: Dry, Moist, Wet

Aspect:  Full sun, Partial shade

Wildlife Value: Medium, Attracts Insects.

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Species Common Name: Meadow Vetchling
Species Botanical Name: Lathyrus pratensis
Sorry no picture
Management:  For hay meadows
Tolerance of cutting: Low, 
Cutting time: None, Spring,
Edible / Medicinal:  

Life Cycle (Form):  Perennial

Flower Height: 20 to 60 cm

Foliage Height: 25 - 30 cm

Flower Colour: Yellow, 

Flowering period: June, July, August

Time to Flower:24 months

Soil Type: Will grow in most soils,

pH Type:  Neutral, Alkaline.

Moisture: Dry, Moist, Wet

Aspect:  Full sun, 

Wildlife Value: Low, 


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Species Common Name: Mullein
Species Botanical Name: Verbascum thapsus
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An excellent garden biannual for the back of any bed.

The leaves are downy velvety and great fun for children.

Do be careful when saving seed, the dust from this plant when dried is unpleasant

Management:   No cutting, if in a meadow allow to flower and cut meadow at the end of summer, to persist keep the meadow open so the seed can germinate.
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Tolerance of cutting: Low, Medium, High
Cutting time: None, Spring, Summer, Autumn.
Edible / Medicinal: Edible, Medicinal, Do not consume unless advised. Probably contain poisons
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Life Cycle (Form) Biennial, 

Flower Height: 60 to 180 cm

Foliage Height: 25 - 30 cm

Flower Colour: Yellow, White, 

Flowering period: July, August, 

Time to Flower: 12 months

Soil Type: Will grow best in dry, light soil

pH Type: Neutral, Alkaline.

Moisture: Dry, Moist, Wet

Aspect:  Full sun,

Wildlife Value: Medium, Attracts Bees, Bumblebees, Hoverflies and Insects.

mullian_14png.png (71815 bytes)A white form

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