Design By Nature - - Irish Wildflowers     

Species Datapage No 26   

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Species Common Name: Rough Hawksbit
Species Botanical Name: Leontodon hispidus
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This species is very difficult to produce from seed, as the seed ripens in a short time and blows like a Dandelion which it is closely related.  However if it establishes it will spread easily.  Hawksbit flowers at the start of summer and unlike Dandelion is not a rampant flower.

Management:   As per Hay Meadow, allow to set seed, can be cut any time will flower again.
Tolerance of cutting:  High
Cutting time: Any
Edible / Medicinal: Edible leaves but bitter, test before consuming quantities

Life Cycle (Form): Perennial

Flower Height: 20 to 30 cm

Foliage Height: 10 cm

Flower Colour: Yellow, 

Flowering period: May, June, July,

Time to Flower: 12,months

Soil Type: Will grow in most soils, best in acid moist loam, 

pH Type: Acid, Neutral, (Smooth Hawksbit grows on Alkaline soils).

Moisture: Dry, Moist, 

Aspect:  Full sun, 

Wildlife Value: Low, Attracts Hoverflies and Insects.

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Species Common Name: Scarlet Pimpernel
Species Botanical Name: Anagallis arvensis
Becoming endangered.  sorry no photo available
Tolerance of cutting: Low, 
Cutting time: None, 
Edible / Medicinal:  

Life Cycle (Form): Annual, 

Flower Height: 20 

Foliage Height: 5 cm

Flower Colour: Red

Flowering period: June, July, 

Time to Flower:3 months

Soil Type: Will grow in most soils.

pH Type: Neutral,

Moisture: Dry, 

Aspect:  Full sun, 

Wildlife Value: Low, 


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Species Common Name: Sanicle
Species Botanical Name: Sanicula europaea
  sanical_png_01.png (188158 bytes)
Management:  Can become invasive where weed killers are used.
Tolerance of cutting: Medium, 
Cutting time: Autumn.
Edible / Medicinal: Do not consume
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Leaves shown are buttercup and not Sanicle. The buttercup has spread around the Sanicle and will kill it in moderately sunny places

Life Cycle (Form): Perennial

Flower Height: 20 to 30 cm

Foliage Height: 5 - 10 cm

Flower Colour: White, tinged Pink

Flowering period: April, May, June, 

Time to Flower: 24 months

Soil Type: Will grow in most woodland soils, best in moist soil in shade.

pH Type:  Neutral, Alkaline.

Moisture: Moist, Wet

Aspect:  Partial shade, Deep shade.

Wildlife Value: Low, 


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