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Species Datapage No 32  

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Species Common Name: Water Avens
Species Botanical Name: Geum rivale
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This lovely plant is the ancestor to many Geums found in garden centres.  A moisture loving species that will grow in flooded wetland.  The blooms last a long while and are followed by lovely seed heads.

We supply this species as plants and seeds.

Management:   Can be cut in Spring to delay flowering, but best cut back in August after seed shed. Can be grazed and is persistent in unmanaged grassland.
Tolerance of cutting:  High
Cutting time: Spring,  Autumn.
Edible / Medicinal:  
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A seed crop of Water Avens growing at our Mountain top nursery.

Life Cycle (Form):  Perennial

Flower Height: 40 - 60 cm

Foliage Height: 30 cm

Flower Colour:  Pink and orange petals

Flowering period:  June, July, 

Time to Flower: 24 months

Soil Type: Will grow in most soils, also likes peaty soil. 

pH Type: Acid, Neutral, 

Moisture: Moist, Wet

Aspect:  Full sun, Partial shade, 

Wildlife Value: Medium, Attracts Butterflies, Bees & Bumblebees.

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Species Common Name: White Campion
Species Botanical Name: Silene alba

If you have limy dry sandy or light soil in full sun, then this is one of the very best wildflowers for you to grow.  the flowers do not last long but the plant flowers for a long-time and attracts many insects.


Management:   Allow to self seed. Short lived and if the plant disappears re-cultivate or gap create to get it back.
Tolerance of cutting: Low, 
Cutting time: None, 
Edible / Medicinal:  

Catchfly, a similar species, often sticky.

Life Cycle (Form): Perennial

Flower Height: 20 to 40 cm

Foliage Height: 5 - 10 cm

Flower Colour: White, 

Flowering period: June, July, August, 

Time to Flower: 12,  months

Soil Type: Will grow in dry, sandy, Loam, 

pH Type: Acid, Neutral, Alkaline.

Moisture: Dry, 

Aspect:  Full sun, 

Wildlife Value: High, Attracts Insects.


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Species Common Name: Weld   (Buidhe mo'r)  
Species Botanical Name: Reseda luteola

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Weld is a weed of freshly disturbed soil, I like this plant because it turn bright orange after flowering.

An architectural biennial plant, ideal for dry site and very useful in quarries, gravel pits and cuttings as it sets deep roots quickly, when other species are only beginning to germinate, thus providing valuable soil erosion control.

Weld is a dyers plant yielding up important yellows and oranges as well as darker dyes.

Management:   Allow to self seed.
Tolerance of cutting: Low, 
Cutting time: None, 
Edible / Medicinal:  

Life Cycle (Form): Biennial,

Flower Height: 40 to 120 cm

Foliage Height: 30 cm

Flower Colour: Yellow-Green

Flowering period: July, August, September.

Time to Flower: 12, months

Soil Type: Will grow in most dry soils.

pH Type: Acid, Neutral, Alkaline.

Moisture: Dry, 

Aspect:  Full sun, 

Wildlife Value: Medium, Attracts Insects.


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