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Species Datapage No 35   

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Species Common Name: Wood Sage
Species Botanical Name: Teucrium scordonia
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Wood Sage is the green flowering plant seen here with blue Sheep's Bit Scabious

Management:   An acid soil shale loving species, ideal for Heaths, Woods, many upland sites, and shaley acid sloping ground where few other plants can survive, so it is useful.  For mines such as the Silvermines and Avoca, this plant offers a very  useful species for reclamation.
Tolerance of cutting: Low,
Cutting time: Autumn.
Edible / Medicinal:  

Life Cycle (Form):  Perennial

Flower Height: 20 to 60 cm

Foliage Height: 5 - 30 cm

Flower Colour: Green

Flowering period: July, August, 

Time to Flower: 12,  months

Soil Type: Will grow in well drained acid soils,.

pH Type: Acid, Neutral,

Moisture: Dry, Moist, 

Aspect:  Full sun, Partial shade, Deep shade under tall trees.

Wildlife Value: Medium,  Attracts Insects.

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Species Common Name: Woundwort 
Species Botanical Name: Stachys pulustrus
A great roadside species one of the very best low maintenance colourful wildflowers.
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Management:   Try to avoid cutting this species.  If clumps form in your meadow cut around them until the Autumn.  Cut in early spring before May when the shoots grow out of the soil, or cut after flowers set seed and not in late spring or summer when the plant emerges. 
Tolerance of cutting: Very Low, 
Cutting time: After flowering and seed set or Spring 
Edible / Medicinal:  
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Planting Notes. Woundwort can be slow from seed, we also supply plants. These are rhizomes and can be planted up to April .  Most will flower in the first year but it is best after the 2nd year.

There is a great variation across the country in the species and there are similar species such as Hedge Woundwort.

Life Cycle (Form): Perennial

Flower Height: 20 to 60 cm

Foliage Height: 35 - 60 cm

Flower Colour: Purple

Flowering period:  July, August, 

Time to Flower:  24 months

Soil Type:  Best in Clay.

pH Type: Acid, Neutral, Alkaline.

Moisture: Dry, Moist, 

Aspect:  Full sun, Partial shade.

Wildlife Value: High, Attracts Butterflies, Bees, Bumblebees, Hoverflies and Insects.

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Woundwort forms large long lasting clumps, flowering late into the summer and are a wonderful sight. 

If you can establish Woundwort on a moist site introduce Valerian, Montbretia, Sow Thistle and Meadowsweet for a riot of colour..


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Species Common Name: Yarrow
Species Botanical Name: Achillea millefolium
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Management:   Yarrow is an easy species and has a very high visual impact if you can establish large clumps. Flowers is very late and wildlife value is high. Yarrow makes a great roadside plant and grows on a wide range of soils.
Tolerance of cutting: High
Cutting time: None, Spring if required. 
Edible / Medicinal: Edible, Medicinal,
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Life Cycle (Form): Perennial

Flower Height: 20 to 60 cm

Foliage Height: 5 - 30 cm

Flower Colour: White, 

Flowering period: July, August, September.

Time to Flower: 12, months

Soil Type: Will grow in most soils. Best in Clay.

pH Type: Acid, Neutral, Alkaline.

Moisture: Dry, Moist, 

Aspect:  Full sun, 

Wildlife Value: High, Attracts Birds, Butterflies, Bees, Bumblebees, Hoverflies and Insects.


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