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Species Datapage No  4  

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Species Common Name:  Brooklime
Species Botanical Name:  Veronica beccabunga

This wonderful plant is a must for any flowing stream or riverside, will also control erosion on reservoir banks.

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Brooklime is a common plant of damp places.  Ducks enjoy this plant and is also good for sheltering minnows and newly hatched fish.

Reported as edible, SC has eaten it, but ! is it worth it?
Management: Persistence, keep soil bare of weeds as in riverside, 
Tolerance of cutting None, except end of season management
Cutting time: None

Edible / Medicinal: Reported as Edible, I have eaten it but it was years ago and I honestly forget


Life Cycle (Form): Perennial

Flower Height: 5 to 10 cm

Foliage Height: 1 - 5 cm

Flower Colour: Blue, sometimes Pink or White (rarely)

Flowering period: July, August, 

Time to Flower: 12 months, rapid from Planteens

Soil Type: Most, best in deep wet rich soil.  Riversides

pH Type: Acid, Neutral, Alkaline

Moisture:  Moist, Wet.

Aspect:  Shade to full sun, 

Wildlife Value: Medium, Bees and frogs as well as water snails.



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Species Common Name:  Bulbous Buttercup
Species Botanical Name:  Ranunculus bolbosus


A buttercup of light soils and sandy places, difficult for us to produce seed
Unlike creeping Buttercup this plants only spreads slowly and mainly by seed.
Found on seashores, as well as sandy light soils or loam.
Management:  Dominant in June, persistence in sandy grassland.  Keep fertility poor, 
Tolerance of cutting None, except end of season management
Cutting time: None

Edible / Medicinal: Do not consume unless advised. Contains poisons


Life Cycle (Form): bulbous perennial

Flower Height: 10 to 30 cm

Foliage Height: 0 - 0 cm

Flower Colour: .

Flowering period: March, April, May, June, July, August, September.

Time to Flower: 12 months

Soil Type: Most, best in deep dry, light and rich soil.  Waste Places

pH Type: Acid, Neutral, Alkaline

Moisture: Dry, Moist, Wet.

Aspect:  Shade to full sun, frost free

Wildlife Value: Low, Medium, High


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Species Common Name:  Bugle

Species Botanical Name: Ajuga reptans

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A common woodland, wetland and garden plant with striking blue flowers in leafy spikes.  Grows in wet-woodlands a rare ecosystem in Ireland
One of the best flowering plants that we produce for garden customers, a rapid spreader on moist soils and a good ground cover in light shade, best planted into damp or wet meadows.
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Bugle is a native species at our Mountain Top nursery and genebank.  Summer starts for us as bugle heralds in the march of flowers in our meadows. I grow it on straw mulches.   we plant it with Yellow Pimpernel.
Management:  Moderate persistence in Moist, Neutral wet or slightly peaty grassland.  Keep fertility poor, and keep the grass well maintained
Tolerance of cutting Good.
Cutting time: Any

Edible / Medicinal: 


Life Cycle (Form): Perennial

Flower Height: 10 to 30 cm

Foliage Height: 2 - 10 cm

Flower Colour: Blue

Flowering period: April, May, June, July, 

Time to Flower: 12 months

Soil Type: Most, best in deep wet rich soil.  Pond Margin Plant

pH Type: Acid, Neutral, 

Moisture: Moist, Wet.

Aspect:  Shade to full sun, 

Wildlife Value: High, Attracts butterflies and bees


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Species Common Name: Burdock  
Species Botanical Name: Arctium minus  
A great Butterfly plant for a large garden and any Nature Project / school garden.
WARNING: Sticky Burs, or flowering seed heads, May irritate
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Management:  Allow to set seed if wanted, cut in flower if unwanted 
Tolerance of cutting Medium,
Cutting time: 

Edible / Medicinal: EDIBLE Stems, strip outer skin of non flowering stems in April-May,  treat/cook as Asparagus.


Life Cycle (Form): Biennial.

Flower Height: 30 to 150 cm

Foliage Height: 30 - 50 cm

Flower Colour: Lilac

Flowering period:  August, September.

Time to Flower: 12 months

Soil Type: Most, best in deep rich soil.  Waste Places, shade and hedgerows

pH Type: Acid, Neutral, Alkaline

Moisture: Dry, Moist, Wet.

Aspect:  Shade to full sun.

Wildlife Value: High

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Species Common Name: Burnet Saxifrage 
Species Botanical Name: Pimpinella saxifraga
Management:  Moderate persistence grassland.  Keep fertility poor, 
Tolerance of cutting None, except end of season management
Cutting time: None

Edible / Medicinal: 

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Burnet Saxifrage is the white flower growing here on an Esker

Life Cycle (Form): Perennial

Flower Height: 30 to 50 cm

Foliage Height: 10 - 20 cm

Flower Colour: White

Flowering period: July, August, September.

Time to Flower: 12 months

Soil Type: Best in dry, light and sandy poor soil.  Waste Places and gravel pits

pH Type: Neutral, Alkaline

Moisture: Dry, 

Aspect:  Full sun.

Wildlife Value: Low,