Wildflower For Sale
Common Name: Yellow
Species Botanical
Name: Rhinanthus
A semi-parasitic,
summer annual found in a wide range of grassland habitats on soils of
moderate or low fertility.
Meadow Gem, Yellow Rattle, if it establishes in your meadow, will reduce the
growth of grasses through it's semi-parasitic action
of living on the roots of grasses. Encourage it and let it seed at
all cost, no matter what no matter how, Just do it! and.........Your meadow will rattle in the breeze
Never cut from May to July, seed needs a frost to germinate
and the ground / meadow must be gap created 'Gapped'
of cutting: Low,
time: None, Early Spring, Autumn.
Edible / Medicinal:
Rattle, Rattle, Rattle. for wildflower growers this is the Summer and
nothing (well nearly nothing means as much to us, as a meadow with
"But it's only a low, dull plant and you can hardly see the
colour", I agree but if its present it means no work, cutting
except one per year. It means that you are a skilled wildflower
Hay or Yellow Rattle grows on the roots of grass,
clovers, vetches and other species, reducing their ability to smother
many species which then thrive in Rattle meadows.
Life Cycle (Form):
Annual, persistent in grassland
Flower Height:
10 to 30 cm
Foliage Height:
5 - cm
Flower Colour: Yellow,
Flowering period:
May, June, July, August (on meadows grazed or cut up to May),
Time to Flower:
7 months
Soil Type:
Will grow in most soils.
pH Type:
Acid, Neutral, Alkaline.
Dry, Moist, Wet
Full sun,
Wildlife Value: Medium,
It is a hemiparasite species.
All of which are uncommon or rare, some endangered with extinction. We stock three other such
annuals facing extinction, Eyebright, Loosewort and Red Bartsia. They
are all annuals adapted to survival in grassland.
Manage them carefully. Never cut them until they set hard seeds. You
can 'Top' grass back down to the top height of the Rattle or other hemiparasite species.